You're right. This needs to get out. I'm gonna forward this to the associated press and see if they can do something with it.
You're on-point with the smaller markets. I dug your Savannah newspaper intervention work.
But overall, I would love to see a group of folks unite and systematically "break-through" the WTS walls on:
(1) Disfellowshipments and family break-ups
(2) Wrongful disfellowshipments (THERE'S A BUNCH OF THESE)
(3) Blood Issue (lotta directions you can go with it)
(4) Doctrinal flip-flops
(5) Elders lack of professional qualifications/aptitude in dealing with pedophilia, spousal/domestic abuse, psychological dysfunction, etc.
(6) Abuse of Power
(7) Demystify and distinguish the religion in relation to the publishing company
(8) Biased minsterial appointments (very hard to prove)
(9) Reparations (WTS ruined lives/career goals. Get former bethelites/full-time ministers to testify)